Our Values

We believe people are led by the values they hold. They serve as a moral compass to help navigate through life, setting the tone for what we believe in, how we think, how we feel and what we do.


Aligning our thoughts and actions with what we believe in. Authenticity is the courage and freedom to speak and act in accordance with oneself. For us, it is also a promise we make to be genuine and faithful to our brand.


What we do have control over are our thoughts and actions. We believe a positive mindset is a tool for empowerment and influences people to do the same. Always look at the bright side of life.


Everything starts with an idea. By fostering an environment that empowers artists to express their imagination we become the birthplace of extraordinary creations, thereby cultivating curiosity, exploration and collaboration.


Collaboration is the action of working together to create something new. We are the result of numerous collaborations and thrive to further nurture this mindset of teamwork and cooperation among our community.


Being part of a community emanates a sense of belonging, acceptance and kinship. Our social evolution has been supported by this very phenomenon and will continue to spread as the need for genuine relationships and connections grow.


We believe in a world that is interlinked. This is reflected in Yamba, with each distinct area merging and working together in unison: food, music, sustainability, nature and mindfulness.


Not only do we embrace an honest approach in our operations and communication but we trust that ethical practice builds compelling stability and trust.


Inclusion is the process of welcoming, developing and supporting diversity. It is so important to fight for equal opportunities and benefits in any way we can and to make each individual feel valued.


Yamba wishes to be in harmony with and give back to nature, bringing awareness of the importance of sustainability to our community. We do this by upcycling materials and organising numerous beach clean initiatives, basically reducing our impact on the environment in any way possible, striving to become a plastic-free and zero-waste restaurant.